The following service providers are recommended as a courtesy to our valued customers. These professionals have proven reliable and trustworthy, with many known to me for over two decades. Please note, there are no financial ties or compensation arrangements between myself and these individuals. When they work at my residence, I pay the standard rate with no expectation of special treatment.
– John Lane, Owner –
Renee Rosales 720-219-9488 Rosales Gardening Cleanups, mowing smaller landscape projects |
Micah Rodgers 404-345-9624 Certified Arborist #RM-8041AT |
Luke Brenning 303-549-1490 Brothers Paint Interior & Exterior Brotherspaint.com |
Craig Bachofer 720-935-9637 Carpet Stretching & Repair |
Will Skelton 303-875-8873 Outdoor projects & water features |
Eric Ehlers 303-956-5866 Super Clean Windows Supercleanwindows.com |
Brandon's Dirt Works 303-517-6404 Waterline repairs |
Quality Landscape Materials 303-688-4946 2977 N State Hwy 83, Franktown, CO 80116 Topsoil for lawn restoration |
Henry Aquirre 303-841-5020 office 720-227-4672 Mobile Parker Pump Service Water Pump Services Sales & Repairs |